What can I do for you?

Coming soon... 

I needed to make this LIVE so I can start work again.

I built sites for huge companies across Shanghai, Phnom Penh, Melbourne... and even a couple in Warren PA. Now that I'm in Warren on a full-time basis, I need some practice.  Site building is NOT like riding a bike.  You really CAN forget if you don't use your skills often enough. Therefore, I now build websites for NPO's. Before you contact me, I don't build for ALL of them. But some.

Gotta suss you out first.

over 20

Years experience

over 300

Completed projects

100's of

Happy clients

...maybe... 7

Days a week

I'll update this as I go.  Right now, it's June 11, 2024, so it's fairly new.

But if you have something I can do to help, contact me!